
講題: Genotyping.   March 6, 2001

General references: After this class you should be able to answer the following questions, Terminology: ABO blood group as an example

genotype, phenotype, locus, alleles, polymorphic, dominant, recessive, co-dominant

Why genotyping ?

Polymorphic Markers Nomenclature of markers RFLP VNTR Microsatellite How to visualize microsatellite markers?

Why microsatellite markers?

Experiment procedures Examples of Application Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) 3x109/1,592,751@ 2000bp/SNP

=> ~6 kb resolution of the human genome.

Database for SNP at NCBI

SNPs: detection, confirmation, high throughput

Discovery SNP using the WAVE ? system SNP by microarray Why SNP? Positional cloning LOD score >3 => linkage is accepted;

LOD score <-2 => linkage is excluded,

LOD score between -2 and 3 means inconclusive.

Why genotyping ? The human genome and various techniques for genome research